Elections américaines : le point de vue de Jacqueline Mazza, professeure invitée

Elections américaines : le point de vue de Jacqueline Mazza, professeure invitée

Jacqueline Mazza, professeure invitée à Sciences Po Lille, donnera une conférence jeudi 17 octobre 2024 de 16h30 à 18h en amphi C.

La conférence se tiendra en anglais et aura pour thème : Decoding the U.S. Presidential Election: Why is it so Close..and so Difficult to Predict?


Jacqueline Mazza, Senior Adjunct Professor, International Development and Latin American Studies
Johns Hopkins University, SAIS-Europe (Bologna) and Washington, DC
The Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies

Mazza, J. (2022) ‘Learning from Crises: Perspectives from Europe's Ukrainian and South America's Venezuelan Migration Crises.’ SAIS Journal of Global Affairs 25(1), Spring.
Mazza, J. (2020). Venezuelan Migrants under Covid 19: Managing South America’s Pandemic amid a Migration Crisis. Wilson Center, Latin American Program Working Paper.
Mazza, J. (2016). Labor Intermediation Services in Developing Economies: Adapting Employment Services for a Global Age. Springer.
Mazza, J. (2002). Don't Disturb the Neighbors: The US and Democracy in Mexico, 1980-1995. Routledge.